Another Day Off
Okay, well, I've pretty much decided that for me to survive this project I'm going to have to not go in on the days that I have to work. I work late in the day and therefore keep a rather strange schedule. This project is affecting that schedule negatively and my body is rebelling with massive migraine headaches. So, from now on Tuesdays and Thursdays will most likely be "Off" days, unless I fell like I'm not gathering enough data, then I'll attempt to go every day.
Anyway, today wasn't totaly wasted. I thought a lot about the questions I want to put on my survey and also about what kinds of information I wanted to present in my final project, as well as how I want to present it. I think it would be really fun to something totally off-the-wall, like an interactive website for teens, or a magazine with things that are important to kids today. What might also be cool would be to generate a list of program ideas based off of what youth today are interested in. Or maybe a brochure that would be put out by the library with info specifically geared towards youth as opposed to just their parents.
Oh wait! I've got it! With my information I could put together a whole YA program. In other words, if I were a YA librarian coming into a library with little to no prior YA services, this project would be the full program I would implement upon starting my job. So the completed project for this class would contain specific YA program ideas, book collection recommendations, services that would be offered specifically for YAs, etc. (i.e. more as I gather more data.)
Although, as I think more about it, this may be above and beyond what I need to do to make this a successful project. Hmmm. . . it's so hard to gather data when I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to do with it. Also, I'd be limited to studying 5th and 6th grade only, both of which don't have specific library times. *sigh* And YA extends up into 12th grade (i.e. Middle School and High School) which I don't have any access to for study. GRRR! I wonder if I could get away with it despite that? Well, I guess I really need to do some more thinking. Not to mention getting started on writing that survey. Hopefully, I'll have time to do that while I'm at West Hurst tomorrow.
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